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[0.7.1] (11/07/03)
*Fixed Blank tab bug [Flash]
*Fixed é to X mailserver bug [Flash]
*Fixed first email no sent bug [Flash]

[0.7.0] (01/07/03)
*Fixed config rep for new eMule version [Titi]
*"Start eMule when eNutile start" option [Titi]
*Add infos and stats about eMule [Flash]
*Change order of lists [Flash]
*New email look [Flash]
*Add tab for finished downloads [Flash]
*Add infos in text mode [Korben]
*Corrected display eMule version [Korben]
*Clean source code ;-) [Flash]
*Fixed foreign language variables [Korben]
*Upload and Download simultaneous for avoid using CPU [Flash]
*Average download for each files [Flash]
*Cut filename in finished downloads [Korben]
*Cut filename in downloads [Flash]
*Store eMail in directory and send it later if sending failed [Flash]
*Fixed bugs in subject of email [Korben]
*Change Easter Egg :-) [Korben]

[0.6.1] (02/05/03)
*Corrected "Fichier introuvable" bug

[0.6] (30/04/03)
*Fixed use 100% of CPU
*Can't launch eNutile twice
*Customize email's color
*Customize email's subject
*Can choice between Text or HTML email
*Add webserver link in email
*Change traduction system (*.lng)
*AutoStart option
*Compressed exec with upx (win 36%)
*support multi-recipients
*Wizard install

[0.5] (04/21/03) Beta 2
*Fixed bugs of ini files (Thx to Glen LaFratte)
*Fixed tabulation order
*Add Ip in the mail

[0.5] (04/21/03)
*HTML email
*Activate onlinesignature automatically
*correct bugs when change options during the sending.
*Add Spanish and Polish language

[0.4] (04/18/03)
*Read part.met files
*Ed2k link
*Add Deutsh, Croatian, English (and French) languages

[0.3] (04/13/03)
*Smtp server integrated
*Iconify in systray

[0.2] (not public release)
*send email by external smtp server

[0.1] (not public release)
*Can read onlinesignature.dat


eNutile © Korben - 2003 / Visitor N°