1] What
is eNutile ?
eNutile is an application
that periodically sends information about your eMule sessions
to a specified email address.
2] What does "eNutile" mean ?
eNutile is in fact
the word "Inutile" in french. It means "Useless"
3] "Fichier
Don't forget to activate Online Signature in eMule's Options...
Or update eNutile to the last version
4] I
want to make a translation of eNutile
a language file, translate it and send it to korben@nebrock.net
Who are you ?
I'm 21 years old, i live in France and i'm with unemployment.
First I work on eNutile alone, but now it's open source, i create
the eNutile Team...
How can i help you ?
You can
help me with translations, Beta-test and supporting e-mail BUT
if you like eNutile, You can make me a donation.
7] Why
eNutile is Open Source ?
Because Open Source
is the best solution to progress in the develloppment of eNutile
8] I
receive blanks mails
Be sure to select
TEXT if your mail client support only Plain-Text Mode
9] I use
an AOL email and it doesn't work...
AOL blocks email
from a connection AOL to an email AOL. So if you want to use
eNutile with an AOL adress, change your ISP. Or if you want
to keep AOL, use eNutile with another adress like yahoo mail.
(AOL: "We do not relay (spam)")
10] Why Stats
in subject are not similar to stats in email ?
eNutile store failed
email in a directory and send it in the next session. The subject
is the actual download/upload numbers.
11] How could
i extract the .rar archive ?
Use Winrar or similar program to
extract .rar files.
More questions
will be added...